As 2024 draws to a close, we wanted to reflect on what we have learnt this year at CWA.
Unsurprisingly a lot was food related, but we have organised and supported events in Tokyo, drove many motorway miles, tracked down santa suits, filmed in Sweden and sampled salty egg yolk prawn cracker crisps.
So, grab a cuppa and get an insight into the CWA team.
One of the biggest skills you can work on is trust. Lack of it builds fear, whereas embracing it builds growth.
It really is ok to not have all of the answers, that’s why collaboration is important.
The phrase "just because you can, doesn't mean you should" is as relevant as ever.
That being a Dad isn't as scary as people have made it out to be (yet lol).
iPhones are great - but still no match for a professional crew with camera, high quality lenses and lighting.
The people you work with are the most important thing about office/studio life. Support, constructive criticism, mood-lifting, the daily ‘What’s for tea?'
When filming multiple interviews in one day and trying to put people at ease, it's acceptable to repeat the same jokes over and over again.
AI can create some weird and wonderful images….
...but it still sometimes gets things very wrong!
Typos are infinitely easier to find after you've pressed sned.
Harry is very tall… so don’t let him lift you up on his shoulders.
That Dave L is a killer on the dancefloor.
You can’t predict or control the unpredictable. I have tried and it’s impossible.
You never know everything. The statement, ‘Every day is a school day’ is one of the most truthful things spoken.
I learnt that micro pigs don’t smell!
Noises that come out of the kitchen can be as varied and colourful as the people that use it!
Trust the process – always have the destination in sight but be prepared to adapt and flex as things change along the journey.
Do. Not. Drop. The. Bollards. You will get wet. You cannot outrun the bollard drop.
To look where I'm going so I don't crash into the bollard.
Where to find fifteen santa suits within a day.
Tracey has lived a very sheltered food life.
Feel the fear and do it anyway – I’ve stepped outside my comfort zone every day and grown in confidence as a result.
Do not let the Yorkshire Tea bags run out.
I learnt how to use the toilet in Tokyo.
The quality - and quantity - of a hotel breakfast can have a big impact on the crew's morale across a long filming day.
That the world of PR is a very random one - one day you're on a train full of santas, the next you're on top of a road planer with the BBC!
Carl P is better at darts than he first made out.
URGENT! a relative term, depending on who's asking.
Being downgraded by the airline at check-in, only to be re-upgraded at the gate is an unwanted emotional rollercoaster before a 15-hour flight.
While we respect clients’ opinions and preferences, sometimes they need firm but friendly professional guidance.
Always expect the unexpected.
Why London St Pancras is so close to King's Cross.
Mariam and Tracey enjoy a walk at lunch time whatever the weather.
I leant that losing 9 hours is worse than gaining 9 hours – jet lag!
The existence of the CWA crisp drawer (Big up salt & vinegar Hula Hoops).
For the first time ever, I can drink red wine without getting a headache – Cheers!
That some of us are wonderful dancers (Dave Leatham I'm looking at you sir).
Solid state hard drives are worth their weight in gold when you have 500GB of footage to transfer at the end of the day and the crew need to hit the road.
Having a balance of in-studio and remote working really works.
How to manage small musical events
Always get on the first train to your destination… do not wait for the supposedly quicker second train.
Brad always wants a burger.
Happiness is an inside job – I’ve found what excites and motivates me and had the courage to go for it.
How to use overripe bananas for multiple things other than banana bread.
The Paris Olympics & Paralympics taught us that inclusivity is key, and that success is achievable by anyone, regardless of age, race, nationality, gender or disability.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes! It's the best way to learn.
That we're an office who LOVES babies (we've had two office babies within a few months).
In Sweden, the meatballs are great but the sauce they're served with is next level.
Time goes by very quickly when you're a train and have a long shot list to film during the journey.
That we're a divided office - those who are coffee snobs and those who could NOT care less.
You can go all the way to Japan and eat purely British food (as demonstrated by the culinary. unadventurous members of our team!).
The most random, stupid things can blow up into massive memes for sometimes no apparent reason.
Turns out ‘salty egg yolk prawn cracker crisps’ are quite tasty.
The upstairs meeting room refuses to be "room" temperature.
There’s always a solution…just ask for help.
How to DJ in front of a crowd of people.
That there is a person in the village we work in who sells tortoises (I then bought one).
META does not want you to speak to a real person – but we did!
In Italy, meals can have any number of courses - always more than three - which isn't a problem as the food is superb.
Extreme weather was a reminder that it’s more important than ever to minimise environmental impact.
So there you have it, just a few things the CWA team have accomplished, experienced or learnt this year. Why not get in touch and see how we can help you next year.